Foxit PhantomPDF Editor: Free Download!

FREE SOFTWARE for STUDENTS: PhantomPDF Business by Foxit First 150 people can get a full year’s worth…

FREE SOFTWARE for STUDENTS: PhantomPDF Business by Foxit

First 150 people can get a full year’s worth of access to the powerful software: post and giveaway sponsored by Foxit

Foxit knows that 2020 has been a difficult year for many, and in an effort to support students struggling with adjusting to online learning, they are giving away free licenses to their premium PDF editing program.

I discovered Foxit PDF Reader accidentally a few years ago, and since then it’s been my favorite PDF reader, so when the team at Foxit reached out, I was thrilled. And even more so because this program, well, this is something else. A PDF EDITING tool that enables to you manipulate and work with PDFs like never before? Yipee!

Just a few of the powerful features:

  • advanced PDF editing (text, images, modifying layout)
  • precise organization (adding, deleting, combining pages from multiple PDF files)
  • OCR text recognition (convert scanned content to editable and searchable text)
  • sharing and collaborating with others (making remote education more streamlined)
  • signing, encrypting, even redacting sensitive information
    and so much more…

Follow the steps below to redeem a 1-year license to the program. The team asks for nothing in return except that you keep working hard towards your degree, despite the difficulties for this year.

Steps to redeem PhantomPDF Business/Mac:

It’s available on both Mac (as PhantomPDF Mac) and Windows (as PhantomPDF Business).

– go to
– download the free trial: “Business for PC” and Mac for Mac
– install the program
– go to “Help” tab –> “Activate” and enter the code: C7Y1C-0103N-8LCY5-AD4NN-KFRB5-NI4Q6
PhantomPDF Business (Windows)/Mac License Code: C7Y1C-0103N-8LCY5-AD4NN-KFRB5-NI4Q6