Freebie Downloadables & Printables
This is a place for me to showcase the newest additions to my freebie collection, so feel…
This is a place for me to showcase the newest additions to my freebie collection, so feel free to browse! You’re welcome to use anything, I just ask that you use the hashtag #amedstudentsjourney so I can rejoice in your use of it! If there are any issues or suggestions, feel free to reach out to me on here, Tumblr (can be anonymous) or Instagram/Tellonym (link in Instagram bio)! Now onto the good stuff:
1. Simultaneous Exam Planner: 4 Exams in 4 WeeksIt’s really hard to study for four exams at once, but sometimes it’s necessary, so I put together a place where you can write out your exams, in order, with the date/time of each exam and the associated tasks. Then you can split up your days in such a way that you’ll be ready on time for each exam.
Remember to always leave 1-2 days right before the exam for review and to finish anything you didn’t get a chance to finish!
Note: there are two versions – one has a Monday start of the week, and one is blank (in case you start studying on a random Wednesday). Good luck!
Here’s a photo of my current exam plan: looks crazy, but it’s a sort of organized chaos.

What is it?
It’s a way to plan out each aspect of the exam by the time the big day comes. In the upper right I’ve got the EXAM DATE spot, where I put the date/time of the deadline as a reminder of what I’m working toward.
Then there’s a little overview of all the topics that I have to cover for the exam.
Under that: an area where I can break it down into smaller tidbits (sections of topics) and so on.
There’s a “Don’t Forget” area, which is crucial for me, because I always have a dozen little post-it notes with important things I want to review before the exam, but I end up losing them.
Next, there’s a 2-week daily task planner, where I can write out which topics I want to cover each day, usually leaving myself 1-2 days for review at the end.
Finally, there’s a useful little anti-panic “Countdown Timer” that keeps track of how many days I’ve got left (can you sense the sarcasm?).
It’s not much (it’s the first downloadable/printable I’ve ever made) but you’re welcome to use it! It’s free, of course, and you can find it here.

3. Daily Task Planner for High School/College Students
A simple full-day printable for planning your school day from morning to night. If you’re the kind of person who likes to have an overview of each day, then this is perfect for you! Complete with motivational quotes, it’s yours to use for the price of FREE!

4. Note-Taking Template for Microsoft Word Complete with Header/Summary Area
This one is quite simple. It’s a Word template that you can reuse for making typed topic-list style notes. It has an area for the topic #, topic title and (most importantly) a space for adding in a handwritten outline when you’re in the “studying” phase, so that you can recall the most important things just by glancing at it. And of course, it saves you time from reformatting the document for every new topic, because it already has the desired font size/style, etc.
On a tutorial on how to make your own Word templates, see here.

5. Summer Vacation Goals Planner
Summer is finally here, and it’s the perfect time to get stuff done! Want to learn a new language? Want to try spinning classes? Want to binge-watch an entire season of FRIENDS? Write it down and don’t let yourself forget it! You can now be productive in ways that the school year just doesn’t allow, so use it well!