My Discounts, Promo Codes and Affiliate Links
TopFlight Notebooks: Back to School Campaign – use the code AYOUNGDOCTORSJOURNEY21 for 10% off in August (non-affiliate)…
TopFlight Notebooks: Back to School Campaign – use the code AYOUNGDOCTORSJOURNEY21 for 10% off in August (non-affiliate)
Skillshare – Learning Platform: 1-month free trial (non-affiliate)
Incipio Sureview iPad case & more (non-affiliate)
Match a Resident 15% off their Program List (affiliate code: DOCJOURNEY15)
Paperlike matte screen protector for iPad (affiliate link)
Amazon Affiliate Store: links to my favorite stationery items and gadgets
NordVPN – 70% off 3-year plan + 1 month free (affiliate link: click here or use the code ‘medstudent’)
BlueHost – self-hosting for new blogs: intro offer of €3.55/month (affiliate link)
OnlineMedEd (affiliate link – click link and use OME18 for $80 off your premium account!)
PageAnchor: save 15% (if no sale is running) (affiliate link)
[Affiliate means that I receive a small percentage at no extra cost to you – if you do decide to use any affiliate links, thank you so much! I am incredibly grateful for your support!]