Free USMLE Checklist (FA, Pathoma, Sketchy)
Since I started studying for the USMLE during the semester and it was all over the place,…

Since I started studying for the USMLE during the semester and it was all over the place, I knew I had to get organized. That’s how this USMLE checklist came into existence! If you’re interested in how I’m approaching the USMLE as an IMG, check out my post here.
I based it off of this USMLE checklist I found on Reddit (r/step1) — I just changed it around to fit to one page and include the resources that I’m using. You can use both, either, neither; but if you’d like it, it’s here for you!
QUICK EDIT: I found a small mistake on the Pathoma sheet – I’ve since then fixed it and reuploaded it, so you can download it again. Or you can fix it yourself, whichever’s easiest! The error is under Ch. 10 (GI) in Pathoma, where I wrote IBS instead of IBD. Whoops!
How my USMLE Checklist is Set Up
I go into a bit more detail of what I’m using in my other post, but in short: USMLE Rx Express videos/Qbank, Pathoma, Sketchy are the main resources. Please note that I will not be watching all of Boards and Beyond, just for the things that I find difficult.
In the future, I may decide to do some shared Anki decks, and if I do I’ll make a checklist for those as well, most likely.
I’m sharing the Excel file because then you can change it around to suit your needs. But if you have trouble accessing the .xls file, let me know and I’ll arrange PDFs for you to download.
Some of the resources are so vast that I didn’t have space for a “done” column, since I wanted to fit it all on one page. For these, I’ll likely be using color-coded highlighting/checkmark-ing (i.e. yellow for “to do,” red for “must do,” green for “DONE.” If I decide to print this, I can just put checkmarks next to the done ones. Be creative and enjoy!)

There’s also this Reddit post you might want to check out: the run-times of popular video resources for the USMLE. The final page of my checklist has the Boards and Beyond video list, taken directly from this Reddit page (all credits go to the original poster).
Other Resources
This is a glimpse of what it looks like. I’ve filled it in with my progress so far (not very far, as you can see), but you will of course be downloading the clean version.
It’s really hard to find concrete schedules to follow; I’ve spent a lot of time searching for that. I finally stumbled across Jamie’s (@thestrivetofit’s) USMLE post, which I found invaluable — she actually includes her calendar that shows what a day during dedicated looks like. Her blog post is here.
Please let me know if find this checklist useful; I’d love to see your progress! Feel free to tag me @a.medstudents.journey or with #amedstudentsjourney on Instagram or send me a message!