UPDATED: USMLE Minis Podcast: Step 1 as an IMG – Episode 3 out now!
Introducing an exciting new project that I’ve been brainstorming in those final weeks of preparing for the…

Introducing an exciting new project that I’ve been brainstorming in those final weeks of preparing for the USMLE Step 1 exam. The podcast is brand new, and my first ever, so any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Click here to listen to newest episode I’ve just released, or read on to see what I’d like to cover!
The reason I decided to do it as a podcast rather than a series of blog posts was because I wanted to be able to speak freely and fluidly, and I think a podcast is a more forgiving platform. Let’s see how true that is! Some of the episodes will have accompanying blog posts, and I will make a few YouTube videos (i.e. a flipthrough of my First Aid for those interested). But in general, I’d like to share all these short episodes in the hopes that they will benefit you and save you time.
Below is the working title and description – click the link to go give the introductory episode a listen! And scroll down to see the current list of topics I’d like to discuss!

I struggled a lot with finding exact answers to very specific questions I had, so I decided to try and change that for others taking the exam. Please keep in mind that these are all my opinions and they were what worked for my studies, so use them as only a guide and not a hard/fast rule!
You can find previous blog posts I wrote here, featuring some resources, but these were written at the beginning of my prep so they will be updated in the future: Step 1 as an IMG // USMLE Resources // My UWorld Document // How I USMLE: 1 Hour Live Video
- Introduction
- When to take the exam?
- 5 Ways to Prepare for Step 1 in the Early Years: you want to take Step 1 in a few years and are wondering what you can do in the first years of medical school to prepare for the exam?
- Challenges of the exam as an IMG
- My Med School Background & My Study Timeline
- Things to Consider: Locations, Cost
- How to Start Studying for Step
- My Study Day & Routine
- Resources Overview
- First Aid 2019: Should You Get a New One? ft. Supplies I Used & Recommendations
- First Aid 2019: Annotations and My Color Code
- Introduction to UWorld: Which Subscription // When to Buy?
- My First UW Pass
- UW Reset & My 2nd UW Pass
- Final UW “Pass”
- NBMEs & What I Wish I’d Known
- What order to take them in?
- When to take an NBME? How often?
- How to review NBMEs
- Sketchy Micro? Pharm? Path: How I Used It, Why You Should Too
- Pathoma for Pathology
- Anki Flashcards: Pre-made Decks // Which Ones I Used
- Pixorize Mnemonics
- Physeo
- Amboss
- Other Resources I Used Intermittently: BNB, Kaplan, Osmosis
- Favorite YouTube channels
- How to Study Anat
- Dirty USMLE/medicine
- “Aha” Moment Videos
- Resources I didn’t use: Picmonic, Cramfighter
Mental Wellness and Sanity
- USMLE & Anxiety
- USMLE & Community
- USMLE & Exercise
- Study Music Thoughts
- My Motivational Speech
My “Dedicated” Period
- Dedicated “Schedule” during My Last Weeks
- Should You Do a Full Length Simulation? (Yes!)
- My Last Week
- EXAM DAY: My Preparation, My Afterthoughts
- 5 Things I did Well // 5 Things I Wish I’d Done Differently
If you have specific questions about something not mentioned above, comment it below or fill out this Google Form (anonymous!), and send your suggestions. Even if you have specific questions WITHIN a certain episode, let me know and I’ll be sure to talk about it.